No more monkeying around.
As the market continues to evolve the art of skill and communication becomes paramount.
In 2021 the market was pretty bananas and the pace of the market was extreme. When helping sellers price their homes we could easily pad the value by 10% - 15%. And we were successful.
Buyers were making offers at asking or above and everyone was happy. Appraisers were able to support these increasing values and because the rates were lower then buyers felt good about their purchases, even if they did pay above asking.
This market is evolving but it’s not bad news. Hear me out.
Homes are still selling but pricing is critical. I’ll say it again for for people in back - pricing is critical. No more monkeying around.
Sellers are still getting multiple offers and they are still getting above asking but only if they are priced right.
Gone are the days of padding by $50,000.
So while some sellers might be feeling a market slow down, the ones that listen to the sound advice of their real estate professionals will still be seeing showings and offers.
And for buyers, while rates have gone up please remember that 2.5% was likely a once in a lifetime event. Rates of 5-7% are normal and historically low. Ask anyone who bought a house in the 80’s what their rate was for some perspective. I’ll say it again and agin till I’m blue in the face - the interest rate on rent is 100%