Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey

5 things that will make you wealthy by Dave Ramsey plus one more from me.

  1. Have a written budget. You have to have a written game plan with money or you’re going to lose.

  2. Get out of debt. When you don’t have any payments, do you know what you’ve got? MONEY!

  3. Live on less than you make. In the house of the wise are choice food and oil, but a fool devours all he has. Proverbs 21:20

  4. Save and invest. 100% of people who don’t save money don’t have any money saved.

  5. Be generous. Follow the 7 Baby Steps and you can be outrageously generous!

And 6 - Buy a home! Long term renting will not create wealth (actually it will but for your landlord). It can be scary but its one of the BEST investments you can make for yourself. And you don’t have to have 20% down - that is an old wives’ tale. And remember the interest rate on rent is 100%.

Real Estate Market Sensational Story

We all know the media loves a sensational story and there have been plenty surrounding the real estate market. Lately there has been lots of talk about interest rates and why now is not a good time to buy…

But when we compare what the talking heads SAY is going to happen compared to what has ACTUALLY happened the outcome is very different.

The following example starts with a buyer looking at a home valued at $300,000

  • Oct 2015 “Housing today- a bubble larger than 2006” - we saw 5.1% appreciation - home is now worth $315,000

  • Aug 2016 “We’re in a housing bubble” - we saw 5.4% appreciation - home is now worth $332,000

  • Nov 2017 “Homeownership doesn’t build wealth, a study finds” - we saw 6.1% appreciation- home is now worth $353,000

  • Sept 2018 “It’s better to rent than buy in today’s housing market” - we saw 4.1% appreciation - home is now worth $367,000

  • July 2019 “The housing market is about to shift in a bad way for buyers” - we saw 4.0% appreciation- home is now worth $382,000

  • Dec 2019 “Next year will be hard on the housing market, especially in big cities” - we saw 16% appreciation in 2020- home is now worth $443,000

  • July 2021 “Housing boom is over as new home sales fall to pandemic lows” - we saw 18% appreciation - home is now worth $523,000

Had fear consumed this buyer back in 2015 they would’ve lost out on $223,000 of increased value, not to mention the seven years of payments made on the mortgage creating even more equity.

Remember, the interest rate on rent is 100%….

Make your financial decisions based on logic, reason and expert opinions. Don’t make decisions based on fear as you may miss out on big opportunities.

Real estate continues to be rated as one of the BEST long term wealth strategies.

Questions? Leave them in the chat or DM me. You don’t have to do this alone.


Have you ever felt a certain song or musical artist just connected with your soul?

Like the order of the notes was somehow linked to your DNA?

That from the moment you heard it you just knew it was something special.

Maybe even made just for you?

This is how I feel about the band Jamiroquai. From the very first rift in the very first song I knew this would be a band that I would love forever.

It’s like the music KNOWS me.

I know that sounds weird but I cannot describe it any other way.

I would love to hear about the music in your life that makes you feel the same way.

Here’s a hint - if you own a box set (you young ones might not know what I am talking about) then that is probably your answer!

*Side note* I was lucky enough to see them in concert in Denver about 17 years ago. Since then the lead singer has been permanently banned from the US for driving too fast!

People Watching

I love to people watch.

Sometimes I will pick a person to observe. I wonder things about them….

Are they married

Do they have kids

What do they do for work

Are they having a good day

What the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened to them

People just going about their daily lives.

But here’s the amazing thing.

Each one is a one-of-a-kind with our own stories, our own dreams, our own disappointments, our own goals and aspirations.

Each one of us is like a limitless and untapped universe of diversity. We are all so different and yet so similar.

And inside of each one of us is music to be sung, poems to be written, art to be created and love to be shared.

When you think of all the art hanging in museums (or on fridges) or books that fill a library (or ones imagination) its staggering to think that came from deep inside someone.

The potential each one of us has is mind blowing, it’s an unlimited reservoir just waiting to be tapped.

We are the makers of music and the dreamers of dreams.

So sing, shout, live, believe, create and dream.

Because you my dear are fearfully and wonderfully made. And don’t ever forgot that.



What do you do to relax?

To get to your “Calgon Take Me Away” place?

Your zen moment?

So I am no master but deep breathing always helps up front and then I do some helpful “self talk”.

I have also found that meditation apps such as Headspace and Abide are excellent for those (like me) that have trouble shutting up the noise that floats between my two ears.

How about you?

Client Testimonial

I really love my job. I know lots of people feel that way but for me there are so many gratifying aspects of real estate.
And testimonials like this are what keep me coming back on the hard days.
If we have worked together in the past just know that I value our relationship and your trust in me. I am forever grateful.
With gratitude.


Does the truth matter? I still think it does. But society today seems to promote another message.

Its okay to lie as long as its just a little lie.

And we have become so skeptical.

It used to be that photographic evidence was indisputable. Now, I question everything I see. Hmmm, that looks Photoshopped.

Even videos can be altered and we all know “creative editing” can distort and pervert reality.

So what does one do?

Well to start with, I think its okay and important to ask questions. I also use my intuition, “does this feel right?” And lastly its imperative to build relationships and communities founded on trust.

Its okay to demand the truth be told. Its okay to hold yourself and others to honesty.

As the great Winston Churchill said, “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end there it is.”

Yes, there it is. And it matters.

I'm sorry, but...

Have you ever been the recipient of an apology that sounds something like this: “I’m sorry, but…”

Okay, this is not actually an apology.

The “but” nullifies the sorry.

Because an apology like this is riddled with excuses. Don’t be this person.

If you are going to say sorry, say it. No strings attached. Because a sorry with a BUT is worse than no sorry at all.

Just my two cents.

To The Teenage Girl Me

My teenage years are still very vivid.

I can literally conjure up the feelings I had as a teenager, those of angst, overall frustration with my parental units, longing for someone to understand me and that horrible feeling of never being good enough.

This is a photo from junior prom.

When I look at this 17 year old girl I think she is pretty, that she looks nice, that I might like to be her friend.

Unfortunately I didn’t think those things about myself at the time.

I let the world and my peers tell me I was less than. I was self conscious, afraid and constantly intimidated.

The grownups around me all had the same message; “none of this matters and someday you will look back on your high school years and it won’t effect you at all.”

In my head I would be rolling my eyes and trying to hold back the tears.

Here’s the thing.

They were 100% correct!

Those kids that were mean to me, I don’t ever think about them. Those awkward moments I had as a very tall teenager, not even on my radar.

Those times I thought I would never be accepted for who I was…. quite the opposite in my life today.

I so wish I could go back to that teenage girl and tell her “you are smart, you are kind, you are so beautiful and someday the world will see what I see”.

With gratitude.

Check These Out When Buying A Home

5 things to always check out when buying a home

  1. The roof. Two things here. What’s the condition of the roof and how many layers of shingles. If there are already two layers of shingles you will have to tear off all layers and re-roof. If there is just one layer you can probably re-roof over it.

  2. The septic system or sewer line. It is possible to have a septic issue and not know it, especially if you are buying a home that has been used as a second home.

  3. Latent moisture. Looks like an old leak, and it might be. But there still could be mold behind the wall.

  4. Water quality and quantity. Will you have enough water and is your water drinkable? Not as much of an issue when you have city water but if you are on a well its important to understand quality and quantity.

  5. Radon levels. Radon is an invisible gas that the EPA reports can cause cancer. Its has been around since the beginning of time. Some homes have very high radon levels and while it might not be a concern to you, you will have to address it when you go to sell your home.

If you have questions, hit me up!

Feeling Like On Cloud 9

You bought your first home!

You were feeling like you were on Cloud 9.

You had so many great ideas on your Pinterest board to make this place your own.

But now several years have gone by and nothing has changed. Your space is feeling cramped and tight and you are dreaming of a new home.

But how could you swing it?

Everyone knows this market is nuts. You would have your current home sold in a heartbeat but wouldn’t be able to find a suitable replacement.

Prices have gone up so much, it wouldn’t make sense to buy a new home now.

Does this sound like you?

If so, we need to talk. I’ve got proven strategies to help you with this kind of move. Please reach out for a free copy of my Pathway to Peace guide or with any questions.

Don't End Up Homeless

“But if I sell my home now I will be homeless!”

I’m hearing this sentiment a lot these days. Everyone knows the market is bananas and many sellers are putting off selling because they worry about finding a replacement property.

But what if I told you I’ve got a couple tricks up my sleeve to ease the transition and stress involved with selling and buying in this HOT market?

  1. Seller Contingency - Once your home goes under contract you have a specific time period to find another home. If you can’t find another house to buy you can get out of your contract.

  2. Rent Back - After closing you can rent the home back from the buyers. This is typically calculated to cover their new monthly mortgage payment and can last up to 60 days.

  3. Extra Long Closing - Contracts are taking longer than normal anyway because we are experiencing an appraisal backlog but it’s not uncommon for parties to agree to a 90 day extended closing.

All three of these strategies give some much need and valuable time to find your next home so you don’t end up homeless.

Have questions? Leave them in the comments.

Cracked Marbles

My grandmother loved to make cracked marbles.

.She would heat them carefully in a pot on the stove at just the right temperature. Too hot and they would be destroyed, not enough heat and they would be unchanged.

She took something ordinary and common and turned them into tiny gems. They turned from regular marbles to sparkling, complex and beautiful treasures.

Elizabeth found the stash of marbles that my grandmother gave me and is now following in her footsteps by making jewelry out of them.

It’s interesting to me that life is a little like those cracked marbles.

That the beauty and uniqueness is revealed in change.

And that sometimes, it’s in our cracks and brokenness that we discover the most about ourselves.

Be The Lion

I’ve struggled most of my life with not having a voice.

I was the kid that would shrink into a corner and avoid conflict at all cost. I felt incapable of standing up for myself to the point of destruction.

And on top of that, I’ve always been a people pleaser so my needs and desires took the back seat to everyone else.

But just the other day a dear friend reminded me that I HAD found my voice after all.

Let me tell you the story she reminded me of.

A couple of years ago we were at a women’s conference together. It was the opening session of the conference and we were in a large room with about 100+ people.

The woman speaking was presenting her original art work when suddenly she pointed to me from across the room and said she wanted me to have this painting.

I was dumbstruck.

She said God pinpointed me for this painting and that she hoped it spoke to me the way it spoke to her when she was creating it.

I love the colors, the imagery and the shofar intertwined into the image. The lion is mighty and brave. He looks after his family with fierce loyalty. And he is free.

Be the lion.

Calling Super Readers!

You’re going to need your super readers for this one!

When I meet with sellers they often tell me about some of the repairs they never got around to… can you relate?

They suggest offering a credit to the buyer at closing to address these items. While that might work for things like flooring, its a weak place to work from regarding negotiations.

Think about it - you’ve already told the buyer to offer you less. And in my experience if a repair costs you $1000, the buyer will want $1500 to deal with the hassle.

Each situation is specific, and when we meet together I will give you the best advice possible to get your home ready to go on the market.