Agent reputation. Does it matter? I think it does and let me tell you why. If your agent is unprofessional it could hurt YOU in the long run.
Does your agent have a reputation of honest and transparent dealings?
Are their buyers prequalified and ready to buy?
Are their sellers serious and straightforward?
Has your agent set proper expectations with YOU, their client, so everyone is set up to succeed?
Is your agent easy to work with?
Does your agent return phone calls, text messages, and emails?
All of this can affect YOU when the rubber meets the road because in multiple offer situations, who you work with might make or break the deal.
So how do you know if you are working with a professional? Read reviews online (Zillow is a great resource), ask your friends and neighbors but most of all, interview your agent.
What did you say? Yes, interview your agent!
Any time someone allows us to help them with buying and selling we have in some way or another “got the job”. It’s okay to talk to multiple agents and then decide who you feel most comfortable working with. True professionals welcome the chance to shine and earn your trust and business.