But if I sell my home now I will be homeless!

“But if I sell my home now I will be homeless!”

I’m hearing this sentiment a lot these days. Everyone knows inventory is still low and many sellers are putting off selling because they worry about finding a replacement property. But what if I told you I’ve got a couple of tricks up my sleeve to ease the transition and stress involved with selling and buying in this HOT market?

Seller Contingency - Once your home goes under contract you have a specific time period to find another home. If you can’t find another house to buy you can get out of your contract.

Rent Back - After closing, you can rent the home back from the buyers. This is typically calculated to cover their new monthly mortgage payment and can last up to 60 days.

Extra Long Closing - Contracts are taking longer than normal anyway because we are experiencing an appraisal backlog but it’s not uncommon for parties to agree to a 90-day extended closing.

All three of these strategies give some much need and valuable time to find your next home so you don’t end up homeless.